Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tay Ninh and Chu Chi

I've just uploaded our pictures from Tay Ninh and Chu Chi. This was our first tour in Vietnam and it gave us an idea of what was in store.

The tour was really cheap, you're talking $7 each (you could get it cheaper). We set off early Around 7.30 and we drove to a place called Handicap Handicrafts (I'm not making it up!), where disabled people make ceramics and lacquer products.

Then we went to the Cao Dai Holy See in Tay Ninh. This is basically the Vatican for this religion and it is a huge place which itself is quite impressive. The temple is magnificent but very gaudy. Then we looked around and say the service which was not as exciting as you might think. We had maybe 2 hours in this place when all you need is about 20 minutes. I'm not joking 20 minutes would have done.

After this we went on to the Chu Chi Tunnels where the North Vietnamese had a stronghold in South Vietnam. It is a strange place in the jungle but it was a very enjoyable tour. I found out I'm a bit claustrophobic as I couldn't bear to go into the tunnel. Sarah had no bother though.

I got to shoot an M16 there which was not as cool as I thought, It wasn't like Rambo.

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